When Will We Finally Say "Enough!" to Wal-Mart?
Wal-Mart is apparently running ads for Black History Month (February, for those who don't know), praising the Buffalo Soldiers of the Civil War.
It's one thing to praise black soldiers, but one of the primary jobs of the Buffalo Soldiers was helping to carry out the systematic attempted-genocide of Native Americans. Of all the Black History out there that is noble and good and righteous, why is Wal-Mart praising the men whose job was to help exterminate another non-white population? As to whether or not the Buffalo Soldiers deserve respect or pity, I can't say, but do we have to focus on a moment in a people's history (that wasn't even a moment of progress for them!) at the expense of glorifying the destruction of another people?
I know, I know... what can you really do? We're not going to stop going to Wal-Mart. I'm going to, but it's not going to make even the slightest dent in their success. But at least make others aware of the despicable irony of this and do what you can. Please.