
This is just a place for my friends to read about what's on my mind. If you don't know me, it may or may not be of any interest.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Some Stuff I Did

So I'm really pleased with things today, despite the fact that it cost a LOT of money. Basically, I spent the whole day tracking down debts and confirmation of debts paid. I've nearly paid off all debt except for my student loans and my car. There's only a little bit more to take care of, and I will hopefully have it all gone when I get paid for the extra show I'm designing right now.

Speaking of that show... after 6 times working on my favorite Shakespeare play--Twelfth Night--I finally get to be the Costume Designer for it. What's even better is that I get to be a part of the concept development. It's going to be really fun, if I can survive it. I have another show opening the same week, so my April is going to be pretty crazy hectic.

Well, Beth just arrived and we're excited because I got my cable turned back on today and we have 4 episodes of season 2 of THE L WORD to catch up on. PS: She brought Taco Bell over, so we can have tacos while we watch our lesbian show. For those who don't watch The L Word... you should! It's amazing.


At 1:51 AM, Blogger Jay said...

You're eating tacos while watching a show about lesbians? No comment...

Plus, I don't get Showtime, so I'm also missing out on BullShit! A fantastic show that I've bought the Season 1 & 2 DVD sets of. Penn & Teller are my heros.

Did you hear about your niece/aunt/sister/cousin Tonya? Big news if you haven't heard the latest...


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