Some Stuff I Did
So I'm really pleased with things today, despite the fact that it cost a LOT of money. Basically, I spent the whole day tracking down debts and confirmation of debts paid. I've nearly paid off all debt except for my student loans and my car. There's only a little bit more to take care of, and I will hopefully have it all gone when I get paid for the extra show I'm designing right now.
Speaking of that show... after 6 times working on my favorite Shakespeare play--Twelfth Night--I finally get to be the Costume Designer for it. What's even better is that I get to be a part of the concept development. It's going to be really fun, if I can survive it. I have another show opening the same week, so my April is going to be pretty crazy hectic.
Well, Beth just arrived and we're excited because I got my cable turned back on today and we have 4 episodes of season 2 of THE L WORD to catch up on. PS: She brought Taco Bell over, so we can have tacos while we watch our lesbian show. For those who don't watch The L Word... you should! It's amazing.
You're eating tacos while watching a show about lesbians? No comment...
Plus, I don't get Showtime, so I'm also missing out on BullShit! A fantastic show that I've bought the Season 1 & 2 DVD sets of. Penn & Teller are my heros.
Did you hear about your niece/aunt/sister/cousin Tonya? Big news if you haven't heard the latest...
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