
This is just a place for my friends to read about what's on my mind. If you don't know me, it may or may not be of any interest.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

New York blue

OK, for those of you down in the south, you may now laugh at me for being a Yankee. When I went to work this morning, the temperature was in the single digits. It was SO FREAKIN' COLD! Yes, I walked into the building today and thought blissfully about my friends in Arizona, Texas and Oklahoma, and thought about how it must be really nice there. I know, I know... all of you in those places are thinking "But it was freezing here!! We were in the 40s!!

To that, I say: Pussies! The temperature here right now is 0 degrees, with a wind chill of -14. So, don't complain about 40s. I would LOVE 40s. So, laugh it up, fuzzballs. I'm cold.

However, before you start laughing and thinking that I'm stupid for living here... just remember that NY, unlike Arizona, Texas and Oklahoma... is a blue state. Right now the blue refers to the color of my skin, but you know what I mean.


At 1:36 AM, Blogger bib said...

Those cold ass winters of Pennsylvania are still etched into my bones. The first time I saw bulldozers piling snow up in parking lots I knew I was screwed. People down south don't know how lucky they have it. On the same note though, when it's July and Yankees are complaining that they are "dying" and it's 85 degrees outside, you can bet that all of us down south are going to be shouting "who are the pussies now!"

At 2:50 AM, Blogger Jay said...

Although, I hear that NYC smells like hobo pee in the summer. Is this true?

At 6:53 PM, Blogger Adam said...

NYC smells much better than it did pre-Giuliani, but there are still parts that can smell like garbage. But that's NYC. Rochester is like Tulsa in the summer, but 20 degrees cooler and a fraction of the humidity. Oh... and it's still in the single digits here. We're all excited because it's going to get back up into the 20s and 30s by middle of next week. Hooray!


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