A good day
Just so I can never be accused of using this blog primarily as a form of whining and moaning, I just wanted to say that I had a really good day today. Now, I love my job, but I don't ordinarily feel that competent. Being a teacher is very demanding, and the expectations the students have of me to be smarter than they are is occasionally unreasonable. I'm often not much smarter than they are, I just have a little more experience. Anyway, the thing was, today I really felt like a teacher. I had a very good class this morning, really connecting with the students and even though I went completely off my lesson plan, I think they really got a lot out of it and learned some things. I also gave a talk to the juniors and seniors about graduate school, and really felt like I had a good effect. That's all. I just wanted to say that I really felt good about today. Hope everyone else had a good day, too.
I had a "sleep well until the cat knocks over a box" kind of day. It was good, but not great by any means. Would it be ok if I gushed about my girlfriend and said that I got to talk to her tonight and that made it better by 37%?
By the way, is your wishlist current? I thought about getting you an early birthday gift (might actually remember it this year!) and didn't know what you had and had not bought already for yourself.
And I didn't know you were an Orson Scott Card fan. Too cool! Me too! Crazy Mormon Sci-Fi writers!
Why do people never say "it's only a game" when they're winning?
Jay, my wish list is very up to date. Please feel free to pick things on it if you really feel like buying me an early birthday present. I was telling Paul, I wish my family would start using the internet and finish out the whole Amazon wish list thing instead of getting me Hastings gift cards. That being said, you don't have to get me any gift. But thank you!
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